Morgan R.R. Haze, three siblings collaborating under a single pen name, grew up in the middle of nowhere, literally an hour away from anywhere. Lived too far out to have cable, so had an aerial antenna which got 3 channels. Needless to say they grew up learning to be creative. Their parents have always encouraged art, music, writing and crafts. All of them draw (at least a bit), have dabbled in poetry/lyrics, and have active imaginations. The seeds of their current WIP began with an idea decades ago. It finally all started meshing when they put their ideas together.
Their profiles can be found on
And their web site
Hart: What genre or genres do you write in? What attracted you to that genre?
Morgan R.R. Haze: Sci-fi, because it’s cool 😉 Really though, with this genre it offers endless possibilities for creating stories, characters, and worlds. We also grew up with Star Wars, Star Trek, X-men cartoons, Superman/Batman movies. They definitely influenced our enjoyment of the genre.
H: As a collaborative trio, how do you create together? Do you live close enough to meet, or must you communicate via email, text, etc.? I think this would be of particular interest to my readers.
MH: Two of us live within one hour from each other. We both live over twelve hours away from our other writing partner. So texting, email, and phone conversations are a must for us to work together. We are hoping we can get telepathy going sooner or later; of course teleportation would come in handy too. For now we use Google docs to share and leave comments.
H: What research do you find absolutely necessary to keeping your story authentic?
RR: For me it’s listening to podcasts and reading articles regarding human nature. I find it fascinating how some individuals can have a certain set of morals that they think they completely abide by, but be completely oblivious to areas in their personality, preferences, or actions which are contrary to said values.
H (not Hart): I love YouTube! I have learned so much about the brain and psychology. The Medical Futurist and Sci-Show Psych are always interesting. I also like to ask myself why, a lot. People need motives, even if they don’t know what those are.
Z: I do much of the world building. I research historical cultures, and what we know of science and astronomy to see how we can use those influences.
H: How do you see the role of women in fiction, especially science fiction, these days? And how do you promote women in your work?
MH: So many times women are portrayed as one thing (the fighter, lover, victim, etc.) It is always good to see fully rounded characters, men and women. Good character design needs to be multi-faceted.
In our story, all the characters are important. We have tried to give everyone strengths and weaknesses. Even if we don’t share it, we have back stories for everyone. We want them to have internal consistency. Basically, we treat our characters equally when it comes to creating them.
H: Do you have a current release you’d like to promote? Tell us about it. And definitely provide a link.
MH: Alpha Dawn, book one of the Teragene Chronicles is currently available on Amazon and Audible. We are currently editing (more like scouring) book two. We don’t have a set date for release, but hope to have it out late this year.
H: Well, thank you so much, Morgan R.R. Haze siblings, for your time and in particular your insights on long-distance collaboration.